Monday, January 10, 2011

In my spare time? What?

Wow, really? I'm supposed to have spare time? hummmm... You know I thought I would when I finished school, but I've managed to fill my time... of course.

My weight loss journey has started out well... I shed 1.2 lbs last week! If I could do a pound a week, I'd hit my goal by mid year!! Ok, I know that's wishful thinking... but it does show that watching what you eat and getting just a little bit more exercise does work.

What else am I filling my time with? I rediscovered READING, for pleasure. First book of the year, America by Heart, by Sarah Palin. And no, reading this book and liking it does NOT make me a full-fledged Republican!! LOL

Exciting news last week: The birth of (step) granddaughter number 2!! Olivia Rae was born Thurs, Jan 6, weighing in at 6 lbs 14 oz. Erik and Sasha are very proud parents.

Which leads into more projects for my spare time... I want to make both granddaughters a quilt. Need to start on that, but first I'm converting my PartyLite 'loft-office' to mostly a sewing area. Since business is about gone, I can better use that space. I haven't given up on the candle business... just waiting for a little more confidence in the economy.

And oh yeah... I've got some inside house work to do! Must get the powder room done before spring... the floors in the living room/dining room are in trouble... and paint.. I sure need to paint!

Wonder how much I can get done in my spare time before time to start working on the outside stuff?

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